Private v Public

Private v Public! 

There has been much conversation in the media over the past few days about the age old argument of private schools versus public schools.

A recent research study has claimed that it makes no difference whether we send our children to private schools or public schools.



I have read a lot of this research study and quite frankly I am yet again disappointed in that firstly, money which most schools desperately need, was spent on yet another ‘consultant’ doing yet another ‘study’ which tells us yet again that basically it is your choice.

I have worked in all types of schools – public, private and catholic systemic.

I can tell you that there are good and not so good in all.

There are brilliant teachers in all, and quite frankly, there are not so good teachers in all.

Yes, many private schools have amazing facilities that many other schools can’t provide. And yes, that is a shame.

But, it is also about the children. I know plenty of people who have sent their children to the school’s they went to. Forgetting that it has probably been 10, 20 or even thirty years since they were there. It may have improved, it may be the same, or just as likely it may have gone downhill.

For me, schools are about the people that make them. Not the government ministers who sit in their ivory towers, who have never been involved in the education process but seem to know how to spend desperately needed funds on idiotic projects.

And it also depends on the children. Some kids will blossom in a private school setting, other kids will despise it. Some kids will take every chance and opportunity given to them in a public school, and let me tell you I have seen first hand what incredible opportunities there are, and others will not find their feet.



It is also about how the parents or carers choose to spend their money.  Plenty of people sacrifice a lot to send their child to a private school. Others, who on paper can easily afford private school fees, choose to send their kids to the local government school.


And guess what?

Most of us try to do the very best for our kids. Whether we choose to sacrifice some things for our kids to go to a fee paying school, or we are happy with what our local government school offers, chose a school that suits YOUR child, not what some over paid consultant tells you!

I’d love to hear your opinion.

Did you go to a private or public school?

Where would you or do you send your own children and why?

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