

Who doesn’t love them!  Especially if you are off on an adventure somewhere.

But, and there generally is a ‘but’,  the cost of travelling or holidaying in the school holidays can be astronomical.

Solution – travel out of school. And cop the wrath of school principals and teachers!

Now, I am not advocating that you withdraw your children from school eight times a year to go hang out at the beach for three weeks at a time (as tempting as that sounds) but I know there are times when people don’t have much of an option but to travel at certain times. Or they cannot absorb the cost of travelling in school holidays so on a rare occasion they might travel during school time, when they can afford it.

The Perfect Classroom

The Perfect Classroom

Personally, and it is my own point of view, I believe that if you have an opportunity to travel and have your children travel, then go for it. Again, not every term of every year but life is about experiences and children learn incredible amounts when exposed to such things.

I know many schools and Principals don’t advocate this. But, I believe that if you can genuinely make a case for it, they really don’t mind (on the whole).

And this one

And this one

I have had many parents ask me to provide school work for the children when they are going on an extended holiday. I don’t! I suggest they buy a notebook and document fabulous things about their holidays.

Write a journal about what you see or do!

This is Incredible. Take Kids HERE!!!

This is Incredible. Take Kids HERE!!!

Work out how many kilometres you have to travel.

Plan a budget.

Discover. Discover. Discover.

Perfect To Learn About Rainforests

Perfect To Learn About Rainforests

We have an amazing, incredible, brilliant world out there and let’s give our children the best experiences we possibly can!

I will be posting a list of great holiday ideas/experiences/opportunities shortly.

I’d love to hear of any of your suggestions!