Exam Preparation

Senior School students are soon to be preparing for major exams.  These exams can be a source of unease, anxiousness and a whole lot of other adjectives.



However, it doesn’t have to be the scary ride many believe it is.

With some gentle routines put in place, and lots of support, our young adults CAN get through this and come out relatively unscathed.

So, in the interest of family harmony  here are some tips which may help:

1. Enough sleep – if your child has left it to the night before the exam to start studying, it is pretty much too late. Ensure they get enough sleep each and every night. A tired brain cannot function.

2. Good nutrition – although this is important in every day living, this is one of those times that we really need to discourage those late night Macca’s runs! Having nutritious wholesome meals, with fresh fruit and vegies and plenty of protein and carbohydrates, will help them maintain the pace needed. And lots of water!

3. Reduce stress– I know – easier said than done. But, we need to ensure our kids are getting some physical activity EACH day – go for a run/walk/swim/bike ride/gym – anything. And personally, I believe being outside in the sun doing this helps even more. If the physical activity is inside, make sure they also get out in the sun each and every day.

4. Socialise – no, I don’t mean they go out to party every night. But neither should they be stuck inside 24/7 studying. Encourage them to catch up with friends every now and again, and try not to talk too much about studies whilst socialising.





5. Keep other interests – again, this doesn’t mean lose focus on study but by also keeping their other interests alive – be it music, art, cultural, sporting – gives them a good balance.

6. Part Time Work – I know plenty of parents who discourage part time work for senior students. This is obviously an individual decision. Personally, my kids will be encouraged to continue with their part time jobs, but probably no more than 10 hours a week during this time. All work and no play……..

7. The End IS In Sight – Even I remember counting down. Days, hours, minutes. There IS life after senior exams.

8. Stay in contact with the school – many schools hold sessions for parents of senior school students about to enter this period. If you or your child are unsure about ANYTHING, contact the school/teacher/counsellor. Just because it is the countdown to the end of school life, doesn’t mean the school wipes its hands of your child. The school and its staff have a responsibility to your student – 99% of schools and staff want the best for your child. But they can’t help if they aren’t asked.

9 – PARENT/CARER PATIENCE – yes, this is a big one! Parents need lots of patience during this time (remember those toddler years – now triple it!). Parents can help by:

i.  Don’t panic – you know there is life after exams, don’t panic your kids

ii. Quiet area – provide a quiet, comfortable area for study, with good ventilation, good lighting, an adequate study table space, and free of distractions including television, mobile      phones, noise, younger siblings.

iii. Be supportive – they will explode over the little things. Help them overcome any overwhelming situations they may feel – leaving home or moving cities for work or tertiary study, feeling like they will fail, help them be realistic – not everyone wants/needs to go to university or tertiary education, encourage them to seek help from their teachers, encourage confidence, and don’t stress over the little things (dirty towels on the bathroom floor are the killer for me – I can put up with this in the short term!).

10. Hugs – don’t underestimate the importance of a hug. Telling them you love them, are proud of them, or a hug can do amazing things for them. For all of us!




So, to all students out there sitting the HSC, VCE, QCST, NTCE, SACE, TASCE, WACE – good luck.


And remember, breathe!


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